E-commerce and digital transactions take an important role in today's financial world, so investing in Bitcoin, Litecoin and other cryptocurrencies becomes the best way to multiply your money.

Discover, with our investment accounts, the behavior of cryptocurrencies, quotes and charts.

How do you want to start trading?

I still don't know how to invest

At Crypton Broker we teach you the safest ways for your investments. With us you will never be alone in your financial operations!

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Do you need constant accompaniment? We advise you and tell you how to proceed.

I need a personalized offer

We have offers with special characteristics for each user. Enter here and discover these peculiarities.

I know trading
and I want to invest

Do you already have basic trading knowledge? Trade and trade like a pro with our investment accounts

This is the time to learn, it is the time to get out of the comfort zone

It is time to start earning money while you are at home, here we show you how:

Te invitamos a ver el siguiente vídeo para obtener mas información
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Currency converter

Convert here alll rates of different currencies and compare their values in real time.

Invest in crypto currencies and Forex in 2020

Our Accounts to invest online

Albor Trade

An account for beginners looking for customized strategies to get started in the world of trading, especially with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Litecoin and Ethereum. Enjoy the facilities when trading with crypto currencies, Forex, commodities or materials.

1.Enjoy support and advice from our experts 24 hours a day.

2. Leverage from 1 to 100.

3. Withdraw funds at any time using various platforms.

Medra Trade

Si te interesan las criptodivisas, te ofrecem

If you are interested in cryptocurrencies, we offer you a robust and personalized offer made by professionals with several years of experience operating in markets.

In addition to the counseling, this account offers a variety of advantages and possibilities for you:

os una oferta robusta y personalizada por parte de profesionales con varias años de experiencia operando en los mercados.

Además de la asesoría, esta cuenta ofrece gran variedad de ventajas y posibilidades para ti:

1. Propagation from 1 to 100.

2. Unique trading tools.

3. Analytical reports in real time.

Download our XQuote trading tool, one of the most popular in the financial markets.

1. Watch in real time the financial transactions you make in Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies.

2. Gain access to technical analysis of what is happening in the markets.

3. Evaluate your transactions in explanatory charts

Comments and reviews

José Villalba

The truth is that this investment with cryptocurrencies gave me a bad feeling, much more depending on a broker that is not as recognized as others, but the truth has not disappointed me.


Ana Mancebo

I have been operating with Crypton Broker for some time, my investment option is Bitcoin but it is very good to have a broker that offers all types of cryptocurrencies.


Roger Mosquera

Hi, I’m Roger, with the best that Crypton Broker has is with the payment methods, international transfers are a breath of soul.


News of investments in crypto and other markets

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Keys to social Trading

Brokers are offering social trading to all their clients, this is yet another way for them to learn to trade...


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