Comments and review

Comments and reviews in Latin America

Despite the fact that Crypton is a new broker in Mexico, Colombia and Latin America, we have earned a reputation in the world of trading.

Do you want to know what they say on the Internet about us?

Get to know the comments and opinions about Crypton on the Internet through the users themselves.

What do they say about the Crypton broker in Colombia, Mexico and the rest of Latin America?

José Villalba


The truth is that this investment with cryptocurrencies gave me a bad feeling, much more to depend on a Broker that is not as recognized as others, but the truth has not disappointed me, I have learned a lot, to trade, on this type of market, It is not to put your money and that’s it. The advisers were very helpful, I bothered them to exhaustion but it was worth it, in a short time I saw the results. The best thing about markets like Forex is liquidity, it is impressive how much money this market and cryptocurrencies move. I liked the platforms, the broker has good trading tools but the best is the attention.

Ana Mancebo


I am from Colombia, I have been operating with Crypton Broker for some time, my investment option is Bitcoin but it is very good to have a broker that offers all types of cryptocurrencies, especially in Colombia, where the cryptocurrency boom is to the maximum. Personally I do not have any complaints, operating without a time limit takes the burden off of being closed, so I can operate whenever I want. The service is constant, I really don’t see the difference with the regular market. Payment methods are varied, it is very rare considering that we are talking about a broker that shares part of its approach with the Latin American market.

Roger Mosquera


Hi, I’m Roger, I live in Colombia. With the best that Crypton Broker has is with the forms of payment, international transfers are a breath of soul. Although I make my deposits by credit card from Colombia I have also had to make payments from Mexico without any problem. The customer service is true, they take your doubts out at any time and they are very friendly, not insistent like other brokers in which you feel that they are pushing you to a deal you do not want.

Nahirín Fernández


I have been operating with Crypton for months and I have found it a good broker, it has many cryptocurrency options and low commissions. The broker has a negative balance service that gives a lot of confidence, I have a bad experience with my old broker, with whom I contracted a fairly large debt, this does not happen with this broker, if funds are lost they will not be more than they have been deposited in the trading account. There is a linked account but it is used for the withdrawal of funds and they cannot load anything on it.

Ronald José Castillo


It is very good to have all the cryptocurrencies for investors in the region, but I did not have a very good impression of this broker until I made sure that it was regulated, the great advantage of a regulated broker is that most have the obligation to maintain customer funds in separate bank accounts, so if the company goes bankrupt the funds are not garnished. In addition, regulated brokers have a guarantee fund that covers a maximum of money. I started working with them without problems although I would like to have more options for trading platforms.

Luis Montero


I have been investing in OTC with relative success, it has its advantages and disadvantages, there is not much difference but I was not quite sure how to trade Forex, there is a lot of bad image of this market, how the brokers steal, so I was very worried. I contacted Crypton Broker and began to realize that my fears were unfounded, of course there is an inherent risk, we talked about a market with a lot of liquidity but I realized that it all depends on how you take it. I had to ask myself what kind of investor I was, it was something very “Zen”, the advisors were there at all times to teach me what I did not know and discover the type of investor I wanted to be. Based on that, I designed strategies listening to the advice and I stuck to them, this is very important, I was not used to these sudden changes in prices and fluctuating movements, but if you stick to your plan, you will not fail and do not make mistakes. It has been a very positive experience and I hope it continues to be.

Fernanda Gómez


They are very serious, very dedicated people, they take their work seriously and the prices of the instruments are real. I have had positive experiences with other brokers, maybe there were a few details, but with Crypton Broker there is finally a kind of representation in Latin America, I do not know if this is the right word but it offers all cryptocurrencies and that is a lot since it does not There are many brokers that exist that are either 100% Latin American or at least do not have the usual limitations for exotic markets.


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